Refer a Student

You know firsthand the benefits of a Carroll education and the Carroll experience. Why not help to refer a student to your alma mater?


$500 Hilger Tradition Award for Undergraduate Students

As a Carroll graduate, your referral will automatically result in the Hilger Tradition Award (a $500/year renewable scholarship for 4 years) for all undergraduate prospective students who you refer. Students are limited to one scholarship per person but as a graduate, there is no limit to sharing your Carroll pride.

Refer a High School Student

Complete the form between September 1, 2024 – February 15, 2025 to refer a student for fall semester of 2025. 


Refer a College Transfer Student

Referrals for students transferring from another college/university to Carroll are accepted on a rolling basis. This referral is currently open for Fall 2025.
Refer a College Transfer Student


Scholarship Referrals

tke students

Tau Kappa Epsilon Endowed Scholarship

The fraternity established a permanent endowed scholarship fund at Carroll for children of TKE alumni. Students who wish to apply for this scholarship must download and complete the referral form.

beta students

Beta Pi Epsilon Endowed Scholarship

The fraternity established a permanent endowed scholarship fund at Carroll for children of Beta alumni. Students who wish to apply for this scholarship must download and complete the referral form.


Panoramic View of campus